With a budget of up to €13M per year, the CW ITP programme funds proposals from Industry, SMEs and Academia on an annual cycle with the aim of developing novel, exploitable technologies for generation-after-next missile systems.
The CW ITP develops novel, exploitable technologies for generation-after-next missile systems to solve the capability challenges for future Anglo-French Guided Weapons capability.
Our strategy is to strengthen the technological base, allow for better understanding of common future needs and challenges for generation-after-next missile systems.
To achieve this, we seek to partner SME and Academic Institutions from the UK and France with Global Defence Industry players.
This is the larger innovation space, with 5 technical areas, each led by a leading French or British company in that area.
The Mission, Systems and Algorithms Enduring Technical Area is jointly led by MBDA UK and MBDA France. This ETA is focused on the development of cross cutting system technologies such as Image processing techniques and algorithms, mission systems such as planning and decision aids, guidance and control and navigation systems.
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The Seekers Enduring Technical Area is jointly led by Thales and Leonardo. This ETA is looking for the latest advances in Electro Optics and Radio Frequency sensor technology. This ETA covers sensor technologies, signal processing and image generation.
To find out more select one of the disciplines below.
This ETA covers two specific forms of missile propulsion; rocket motors (led by Roxel) and air breathing engines (leader depends on detailed topic). Work in this ETA includes all technologies and research associated with these two propulsion systems.
To find out more select the discipline below.
The Materials, Structures & Electronics ETA is jointly led by MBDA UK and MBDA France. This ETA addresses research into missile materials and structures used in missile manufacture and covering a range of functions, missile electronics and power solutions, Datalinks and communication hardware and Actuation hardware.
To find out more select one of these disciplines.
You can find out more about ETAs on the Innovation Overview page.
These are the two smaller innovation areas.
You can find out more about these on the Innovation Overview page.
To discover how your organisation can directly benefit from the CW ITP programme, click on the appropriate link below.
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