Le programme CW ITP ( Complex Weapons – Innovation and Technology Partnership ) est un fond de recherche sponsorisé par Dstl et la DGA ouvert à toutes les entreprises et tous les établissements universitaires français et britanniques.

le Comité

Les principaux aspects de la structure de gouvernance sont décrits ci-dessous.

Comité de pilotage

Programme Manager – Future Kinetic Effects and Weapons

Responsable du pôle Missiles Armes et munitioNs (MAN)

Future Systems Director

As Director of Future Systems projects in MBDA this role provides the CW ITP Steering Board with a key view on value and exploitation potential of research proposals under the CW ITP, as well as existing and emergent Missile Technology needs.

Équipe de direction

CW ITP Project Manager

Responsible for providing the programme management oversight of the CW ITP for Dstl, ensuring the programme office is meetings it performance metrics, and achieving on time on cost delivery.

CW ITP Technical Manager

Responsible for the technical oversight of the CW ITP for Dstl, informing the research strategy and ensuring alignment with UK priorities and needs. Providing assessment and the selection of projects proposals and reviewing the quality of the research delivered..

CW ITP Project Manager

Responsible for providing the programme management oversight of the CW ITP for DGA, ensuring the programme office is meeting its performance metrics, and achieving on time on cost delivery.

CW ITP Technical Manger

Responsible for the technical oversight of the CW ITP for DGA, informing the research strategy and ensuring alignment with French priorities and needs. Providing assessment and the selection of projects proposals and reviewing the quality of the research delivered.

Bureau de programme

Dan Jones

Dan Jones

Head of the CW ITP Programme

Dan has worked in the Defence and Aerospace industry for 15 years across a broad and varied range of roles. He has led a number of UK programmes, covering all phases of the Complex Weapon Lifecycle.

Julien Fort

Julien FORT

Deputy Head of the CW ITP Programme

Julien has been working as Safety & Reliability specialist for several industrial companies before joining MBDA France 13 years ago.

He has been working on several programmes as Safety & Reliability specialist in MBDA, then as Head of the Safety & Reliability Department in MBDA France before joining the ITP Programme.

Alistair Redman

Alistair Redman

CW ITP Programme Manager

Alistair joined the CW ITP in April of 2022. Prior to this, Alistair spent 7 years working in a variety of engineering and project management roles within the Aerospace and Defence Sector.
